Choreographer, Performer
Across the Middle, Past the East
An Unsettled Cabaret
"We don’t have to care. This non normative obligation, this caring or striving to care is said to be done because we are compelled to do it, I can feel that palpably, I observe their urgencies. It is a non normative obligation because it does not, or tries its best not to reproduce the relations between people that we understand to be unfair, to be violent. This non normative obligation is a reweaving of those connections through the desire to repair and maintain. It is modest in its scope - we can’t change the world - but it is smart in its strategy - we will create something that flows with the world. We will not encounter it through a hard thud, through throwing our selves and our politics into the face of the void, a 90 degree car crash - we save that for protest, another one of our strategies."
// Thinking with - a response to and for the work ‘Across the middle, past the east’ / Martin Hansen
"In their Cabaret performance "Across the Middle Past the East” a women performance collective explores the entanglement of art, entertainment and politics while researching historically influential women from the Middle East."
// Cabaret confronts complexity / the temporary collective / Tanzraumberlin
"Wer allerdings meint, eine Lektion über die Geschichte des Nahostkonflikts zu bekommen, wird enttäuscht aus dem Raum spazieren. Und das ist auch gut so."
// Sexy Orangen und Glitzerfummel / Fatma Aydemir / TAZ
"Across The Middle, Past The East ist kein gewöhnliches Cabaret, wenn auch nicht weniger glamourös, im Gegenteil, ist es laut und schrill, dann wieder leise, aber nicht minder schlagkräftig, zeigt Widerstand und Offenheit, lässt Hüllen fallen, die in der Vorstellung der Zuschauer*innen entstehen (Hüllen, die in Worten oftmals mehr entkleiden als for real) und fordert nicht zum Klatschen auf. Sondern zum Tanz."
// 254 / Florence Freitag / Viereinhalb Sätze

Image: Andre Lewski